The Team Leader

Professionals you can Trust

SESS is directed by Dr David Bell. David has a Doctorate in Biological Sciences, forty years experience as a professional ecologist and is a long standing Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management. As a former local authority principal ecologist, he knows exactly what is required to get your planning application approved. On moving into the private sector David has led teams of ecology consultants working throughout the UK. Dr Bell setup his own company, Sensible Ecological Survey Solutions Limited, ten years ago which is now a highly respected consultancy with a varied range of loyal clients scattered across Northern England and Wales.

He can deliver on everything from small scale species and habitats surveys to complex environmental statements, or even serve as an expert witness at Planning Inquiries.

David is:

  • 'Construction Skills Certification Scheme' (CSCS) certified
  • 'Personal Track Safety' (PTS) Network Rail certified
  • 'Highway Inspection' (Health & Safety) qualified

You can contact Dr Bell directly at any time to discuss your requirements

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David Bell